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Understanding the USPTO Trademark Timeline and Examination Process

4 minute read
Understanding the USPTO Trademark Timeline and Examination Process
Lloyd & Mousilli always endeavors to educate our clients on the work that is being done on their behalf. With that objective in mind, we have created this article for you to understand the USPTO trademark process, and the trademark timeline or timeframe when filing. Our goal is to make the trademark process easy and hassle-free for our customers.

In this article, we have provided all the steps involved in the USPTO trademark process and trademark registration timeline, from filing to declaration of Trademark.

Step 1 of the Trademark Process: Application Filed

This step takes about 3 months. Lloyd & Mousilli files the application on your behalf based on your use of trademark in commerce. The filed application is assigned with a Serial Number. This number should always be referenced when communicating with the USPTO.

Once filed, you can check the status of any application throughout the entire process by entering the application serial number at http://tsdr.uspto.gov/ or by calling the trademark status line at 571-272-5400 or you can wait for the updates from us, we will update you on the trademark application status on a regular basis.

Step 2 of the Trademark ApplicationTimeline: USPTO reviews application

Once the minimum requirements are met, the application is assigned to an examining attorney. The examining attorney conducts a review of the application to determine whether federal law permits registration. Filing fee(s) will not be refunded, even if the application is later refused registration on legal grounds. This process takes about 1 month before moving onto step 3b.

Step 3a of the Trademark Approval Timeline: USPTO publishes mark

If no refusals or additional requirements are identified, the examining attorney approves the mark for publication in the Official Gazette (OG). The OG, a weekly online publication, gives notice to the public that the USPTO plans to issue a registration. Approximately 1 month after approval, the mark will publish in the OG for a 30-day opposition period. Any party who believes it would be harmed by the registration may file an objection (opposition) within that 30-day period with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. No further action is taken until the opposition is resolved. Approximately 3 months go to step 8.

Step 3b of the Trademark Process: USPTO issues letter (Office action) 

If refusals or requirements must still be satisfied, the examining attorney assigned to the application issues a letter (Office action) stating the refusals/requirements. Within 6 months of the issuance date of the Office action, applicant must submit a response that addresses each refusal and requirement. Within 6 months go to step 4a or step 4b.

Step 4a of the Trademark Process: Applicant timely responds 

In order to avoid abandonment of the application, applicant must submit a timely response addressing each refusal and/or requirement stated in the Office action. With Lloyd & Mousilli, there is no reason for the application to be abandoned.

The examining attorney will then review the submitted response to determine if all refusals and/or requirements have been satisfied. Approximately 1 to 2 months go to step 5a or step 5b.

Step 4b of the Trademark Process: Applicant does not respond and application abandons

If the applicant does not respond within 6 months from the date theOffice action was issued, the application is abandoned. The term “abandoned”means that the application process has ended and the trademark will not register. Filing fees are NOT refunded when applications abandon.

Abandoned applications are “dead,” since they are no longer pending or under consideration for approval. To continue the application process, the applicant must file a petition to revive the application within 2 months of the abandonment date. If more than 2 months after the abandonment date, the petition will be denied as untimely and the applicant must file a new application with the appropriate fee(s).

To make sure this will not happen, Lloyd & Mousilli offers this service to our customers.

Step 5a of the Trademark Approval Timeline: USPTO publishes mark 

If the applicant's response overcomes the refusals and/or satisfies all requirements, the examining attorney approves the mark for publication in the Official Gazette (OG). The OG, a weekly online publication, gives notice to the public that the USPTO plans to issue a registration.

Approximately 1 month after approval, the mark will publish in the OG for a 30-day opposition period. Any party who believes it would be harmed by the registration may file an objection (opposition) within that 30-day period with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

No further action is taken until the opposition is resolved. Approximately 3 months go to step 8.

Step 5b of the Trademark Process: USPTO issues final letter (Office action) 

If the applicant's response fails to overcome the refusals and/or satisfy the outstanding requirements, the examining attorney will issue a “Final” refusal letter (Office action). The Office action makes “final” any remaining refusals or requirements. An applicant may respond to a final office action by a) overcoming the refusals and complying with the requirements or b) appealing to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Within 6 months go to step 6a or step 6b.

Step 6a of the Trademark Process: Applicant timely responds and/or files appeal 

To avoid abandonment of the application, the applicant must submit a timely response addressing each refusal and/or requirement stated in the“Final” refusal letter (Office action).

Alternatively, or in addition to the response, the applicant may also submit a Notice of Appeal to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). The examining attorney will review the submitted response to determine if all refusals and/or requirements have been satisfied.

If the applicant's response fails to overcome the refusals and/or satisfy the outstanding requirements, the application will be abandoned unless the applicant has filed a Notice of Appeal, in which case the application is forwarded to the TTAB.

The term “abandoned” means that the application process has ended and the trademark will not register. Filing fees are not refunded when applications abandon. Abandoned applications are “dead,” since they are no longer pending or under consideration for approval. Approximately 1 to 2 months go to step 7a or step 7b.

Step 6b of the Trademark Process: Applicant does not respond and application abandons 

If the applicant does not respond within 6 months from the date the Office action was issued and the applicant has not filed a Notice of Appeal to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the application is abandoned.

The term “abandoned” means that the application process has ended and the trademark will not register. Filing fees are not refunded when applications abandon.

Abandoned applications are “dead,” since they are no longer pending or under consideration for approval. To continue the application process, the applicant must file a petition to revive the application within 2 months of the abandonment date, with the appropriate fee.

If more than 2 months after the abandonment date, the petition will be denied as untimely and the applicant must file a new application with the appropriate fee(s).

Step 7a of the Trademark Process: USPTO publishes mark 

If the applicant's response overcomes the refusals and/or satisfies all requirements of the “Final” refusal letter (Office action), the examining attorney approves the mark for publication in the Official Gazette (OG). The OG, a weekly online publication, gives notice to public that USPTO plans to issue a registration.

Approximately 1 month after approval, the mark will publish in the OG for a 30-day opposition period. Any party who believes it would be harmed by the registration may file an objection (opposition) within that 30-day period with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. No further action is taken until the opposition is resolved. Approximately 3 months go to step 8.

Step 7b of the Trademark Process: Applicant's appeal sent to TTAB 

If the applicant's response does not overcome the refusals and/or satisfy all of the requirements and the applicant has filed a Notice of Appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), the appeal will be forwarded to the TTAB. Information about the TTAB can be found at www.uspto.gov.

Step 8 of the Trademark Process: Mark registers 

Within approximately 3 months after the mark published in the Official Gazette, if no opposition was filed, then the USPTO issues a registration. If an opposition was filed but it was unsuccessful, the registration issues when the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board dismisses the opposition.

After a registration issues, to keep the registration “alive” the registrant must file specific maintenance documents. Between 5 to 6 years go to step 9 and every 10 years go to step 10.

Step 9 of the Trademark Timeline: Registration owner files Section 8 declaration 

Before the end of the 6-year period after the registration date, or within the six-month grace period after the expiration of the sixth year, the registration owner must file a Declaration of Use or Excusable Nonuse under Section 8. Failure to file this declaration will result in the cancellation of the registration.

Step 10 of the Trademark Process: Registration owner files Section 8 declaration/Section 9 renewal 

Within one year before the end of every 10-year period after the registration date, or within the six-month grace period thereafter, the registration owner must file a Combined Declaration of Use or Excusable Nonuse/Application for Renewal under Sections 8 & 9. Failure to make these required filings will result in cancellation and/or expiration of the registration.

If you would like more specific guidance about the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office trademark process and trademark process timeline as applicable to your scenario, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Lloyd & Mousilli.

Our award-winning trademark and patent lawyers have counseled everyone from the Fortune 500 to startups locally, nationally and all around the world. Whether you're a new startup wanting the competitive advantage of a registered trademark, or would like advice on your existing portfolio of trademark registrations, your legal needs will be covered.

Reviewed By

Feras Mousilli

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