Posts by Allie Morris

July 9, 2024

How to Expedite Your Trademark Application

What is the USPTO's expedited review process?

The process of obtaining a trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) can be complex and time-consuming. For applicants looking for a faster review process, the USPTO offers an expedited review option for trademark applications. It typically takes about 2 to 3 months from the time of filing (as opposed to the standard 8-12 months) to the issuance of a trademark registration, assuming there are no significant issues or objections.

Eligibility requirements for expedited review

To take advantage of the expedited review process offered by the USPTO for trademark applications, you'll need to meet certain eligibility requirements. Generally, the expedited review option is available for applicants who can demonstrate a genuine need for expedited consideration. This may include situations where there is an imminent risk of trademark infringement or a need to enforce rights in court.

Additionally, applicants must meet other general requirements for registration, such as providing a complete and accurate application, meeting all statutory requirements, and paying the appropriate fees.

How to apply for expedited review

In order to request an expedited examination for your application, you need to submit a Petition to Make Special to the USPTO after filing your application but before the commencement of the initial examination process. Your petition should include:

  1. A comprehensive statement outlining the reasons why your application warrants special consideration.
  2. Supporting facts indicating potential trademark infringement, legal disputes, or the necessity of U.S. registration to secure a foreign trademark.
  3. Evidence demonstrating potential losses the applicant may incur if the application is not expedited.

Things to consider before filing a petition to expedite your trademark

Deciding whether to file a Petition to Make Special should involve careful consideration and informed judgment. Points you should first consider include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial resources necessary to cover the cost of the Petition
  • Whether or not your evidence and circumstances justify expedited processing
  • Whether or not there is ongoing litigation related to your trademark
  • How long your trademark has been in use

If you are unsure of your eligibility or need assistance with filing, Lloyd & Mousilli can advise you on the best course of action.

How to Expedite Your Trademark Application
July 9, 2024

Does an LLC Protect My Business Name?

What is an LLC?

An LLC is a Limited Liability Company. It is a type of business structure that protects owners from being personally responsible for the company’s debts and liabilities. LLCs provide flexibility and certain benefits in regards to taxation. From an administrative perspective, they are not bound by certain requirements that are typical of corporations.

How do I form an LLC?

 To form an LLC, you must file a Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State. Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in corporate law and can assist you with this process. Additionally, we can prepare all necessary corporate documents to ensure your LLC is properly organized from its  inception. 

How do I protect the name of my LLC?

Your business name can be protected through a registered trademark. Trademarking your business name ensures that it is protected in connection with the goods and services you provide. Trademarking your name puts you in the best position to take legal action against infringers. 

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that distinguishes the source of goods of one party from another. By applying for a trademark in the relevant goods and services class, you are protecting your business name within your industry. In other words, another company offering the same goods and services under an identical business name would be committing trademark infringement. 

How do I trademark my LLC’s name?

Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in intellectual property and can assist you with the filing of your trademark application. We can help you determine which class of goods and services is most appropriate, advise on your overall trademark strategy, as well as preparation and filing procedures. 

How Lloyd & Mousilli can help:

You can begin the trademark registration process by scheduling a free consultation with a Lloyd & Mousilli team member. If you would like to fast-track the process, you can complete our trademark intake form to provide us with the information we need to get started. 

Does an LLC Protect My Business Name?
July 9, 2024

Trademarks in the Metaverse

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is essentially an immersive experience that integrates the virtual world and reality, allowing users to interact with one another even if they are not physically in the same space. People can work, shop, and socialize in the metaverse the same way they do in real life. This inevitably translates to a digital economy; users can sell and purchase virtual products, like clothes and real estate, that only exist in the metaverse. 

Who is trademarking in the Metaverse?

Major brands are preparing to enter the metaverse by trademarking their logos and products. 

  • Nike has filed seven trademark applications with the USPTO in which the company indicated its intent to make and sell virtual apparel. 
  • CVS Health filed to trademark its pharmacy and health clinics with the USPTO, intending to patent sales of virtual goods like wellness and beauty products, prescription drugs, and non-emergency medical services.
  • Walmart has filed several trademarks that indicate its intent to market virtual goods. In a separate filing, Walmart specified that it would offer customers NFTs and a virtual currency. 
  • Most notably, Facebook has dedicated itself to total immersion in the metaverse. Last year, the company officially changed its name to Meta. 

Why are trademarks in the Metaverse important?

Your intellectual property is valuable and should be protected- both physically and virtually. Creators are already taking advantage of the unprecedented circumstances created by the introduction of the metaverse. For example, third-parties filed two trademark applications last year to use Prada and Gucci logos on “downloadable virtual goods” on metaverse platforms. The third parties are unaffiliated with the real Prada and Gucci, but their attempt to capitalize on  major brands in the metaverse marketplace is an indication of what is to come.

 Shielding your brand’s name and image in the virtual world is crucial. Lloyd & Mousilli can guide you through the complexities of obtaining a trademark for use in the metaverse to ensure you are afforded the protection your brand is entitled to. 

What protections does a trademark in the Metaverse offer?

Fraudulent use of your intellectual property by unaffiliated third parties can be detrimental to your brand’s image. The last thing you want is your customers being exposed to confusingly similar products being sold by infringers. A trademark will legally protect your brand in the event that your products or intellectual property are infringed upon. Even if your brand has already obtained trademark registrations for the “real world,” you should consider filing separate applications for those existing trademarks that cover distinct virtual goods and services. This will ensure that such rights are recognized and protected in the metaverse virtual marketplace. 

How are trademarks in the Metaverse enforced?

The first course of action to enforce a trademark is typically to send a cease and desist letter to the infringer. If this is unsuccessful in stopping the infringement, the next step is to file a lawsuit. Trademarking in the metaverse is a relatively new concept so it is still too early to say exactly how trademark enforcement in the virtual world will unfold, but the general process of stopping an infringer will be the same. Lloyd & Mousilli is prepared to preserve the integrity of your brand by counseling you in the event of trademark infringement.

You Want In: Where Do You Start?

Filing a trademark application for your brand is the first step. Lloyd & Mousilli's trademark attorneys understand the complexities of intellectual property, as well as the intersection of technology and law. Book a consultation to discuss more in depth about the trademark process as it pertains to the metaverse.

Trademarks in the Metaverse
July 9, 2024

Patent Examiner Interviews: Why You Need One and How to Prepare

Why are Examiner Interviews beneficial?

Examiner interviews are the not-so-secret weapons of patent prosecution. If conducted strategically, an interview with your patent examiner can potentially be the driving force that leads to a successful registration. 

An examiner interview can provide several benefits, including: 


Examiners are only human; misunderstandings in the written communication between the examiner and the applicant can often be clarified with a face-to-face discussion. Your conversation may unearth information you otherwise would not have obtained. For example, your examiner may have misunderstood your claim as you’ve written them. A verbal explanation may provide the necessary clarity that the examiner was missing. 

Cost and time reduction

On average, each Office Action response costs about $3,000. An interview with the examiner can potentially reduce the number of refusals issued against your application, saving you money and cutting down the prosecution time. 

When and how can you request an interview?

Once a first refusal has been issued, patent applicants are entitled to an interview with their examiner. There are three ways to submit a request for an interview: 

(1) Fill out a PTOL-413A form 

(2) The USPTO’s online Automated Interview Request (AIR) system

(3) Call your examiner directly to request an interview

Tips for a successful interview:

Simply attending the interview isn’t enough; preparation is key. Some ways to prepare for your interview are:

Prepare an itinerary

Come prepared. Examiner interviews are typically 30 minutes long - make the most of your time by being as concise and efficient as possible. Prepare an itinerary for your discussion, including all questions and arguments you have for the examiner.

Ask for input

An interview allows you to directly request the examiner’s recommendations for improving the claims in your application. For example, making note of the claim language the examiner uses is a strategic way to improve your arguments; they are not likely to reject their own language, so take advantage of this opportunity to receive their direct input. 

Ready to take the plunge on a patent application?

Patent applications are tedious and complex. It can take the average person months to learn the ins and outs of patent prosecution. Applying on your own is always a risk, as one small mistake can lead to drastic consequences regarding cost and time delays. 

Lloyd & Mousilli has dedicated intellectual property attorneys who are experienced in the patent application process. We can assist with the preparation and filing of your application, as well as offer strategic guidance on your overall intellectual property protection. 

Patent Examiner Interviews: Why You Need One and How to Prepare
July 9, 2024

A case of Bad Blood? Taylor Swift Sued for Alleged Copyright Infringement

La Dart’s official complaint is largely predicated on her assertion that the stylistic elements of her book are not typical, and that they are not present within other published works. Therefore, she alleges that there is a substantially similar overall impression of the two works that constitutes infringement. 

In order to prove her allegations, La Dart has the burden of proving two elements:

  1. She owns a valid copyright 
  2. Swift copied constituent elements of La Dart’s original work

La Dart’s complaint establishes that she obtained a valid copyright registration for her book in 2010. The more difficult element to prove is the second, as it relies on La Dart using circumstantial evidence to support her claims. 

For example, La Dart’s complaint asserts that Swift had “repeated and long-term access” to her book “Lover“ as it was available through various channels after its publication. If she is unable to provide evidence that the work was actually accessed, she must show that there is a “striking similarity” between her work and Swift’s.

La Dart claims that Swift’s album and accompanying book contain a “substantially similar” format, color scheme, and design. The identical titles, of course, are also at issue. The complaint also alleges that the photographs of the two women on the covers of their respective books are similar enough to warrant infringement, as they are each shown in an “upward pose.” 

An additional element often used to prove copyright infringement is that the defendant sought commercial advantage or private financial gain. While La Dart’s complaint does not explicitly accuse Swift of such, it certainly implies it by referring to the considerable number of sales and subsequent monetary gains of Swift’s Lover album.

The complaint, filed on August 23rd, 2022, declares that La Dart has been irreparably harmed by Swift’s album. She is seeking $1 million in damages, as well as Swift’s profits attributable to the infringement. At the time of this publication, there were currently no substantive updates on the case.

A case of Bad Blood? Taylor Swift Sued for Alleged Copyright Infringement
July 9, 2024

Amazon's Brand Registry: Why Trademarks Matter

Brand protection in e-commerce

In the e-commerce space, the available options are limitless for the consumer. There are endless amounts of products available from anywhere at any time, which is why brand identity is critical in the online marketplace. Considering the tremendous amount of e-commerce companies, there is always the possibility of infringement. This is why it is important that the consumer knows exactly who they are purchasing from.

What is the Amazon Brand Registry?

The Amazon Brand Registry is a program that assists brand owners in protecting their intellectual property on Amazon. The most pertinent feature in this context is its Project Zero Program. Once infringement is proven, the program allows you to blacklist those infringing users.

Why is Amazon's Brand Registry important?

A popular seller on Amazon is bound to attract infringing parties who seek to capitalize on that brand’s reputation and loyal customer base. The infringing party may produce subpar products and deliver poor customer service. This can result in financial loss and a damaged reputation for the true brand. A trademark registration, however, gives the Amazon seller recourse to take action against the infringing party.

Establishing a trusted brand that customers will return to is key, and the first step is to ensure that your brand identity is protected by a trademark registration. This will safeguard both your brand’s identity as well as your customers from infringing parties. Joining Amazon's Brand Registry gives you the ability to report those infringing listings to keep your brand safe, and your customers satisfied.

How do I join Amazon’s Brand Registry?

To be listed on the registry, your brand must have an active, registered trademark through one of the following government trademark offices: United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Poland, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United Arab Emirates.

Once you’ve obtained a trademark registration, you may apply for the registry.

How do I obtain a trademark registration?

Applying for a trademark:

Obtaining a trademark begins with filing an application. Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in intellectual property and can assist you with the trademark application process from start to finish. We will guide you through the process of crafting a goods and services description and selecting appropriate evidence of use. Additionally, our seasoned attorneys are well equipped to advise you on overall IP strategy.

Click here to book a free consultation with a member of our trademark team.

Can I join Amazon's Brand Registry if my application is pending?

There is a loophole that allows some sellers to apply to Amazon’s Brand Registry even if their trademark is not officially registered yet. Sellers in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and India are eligible to apply to the registry while their trademark is pending in the application/examination phase. This is especially advantageous considering the registration process is currently averaging 8 to 12 months for United States applicants.

If you are in one of the above mentioned countries, your brand is eligible to apply to the registry as soon as your trademark application is pending.

How Lloyd & Mousilli can help

Protecting your intellectual property is critical to maintaining your brand’s identity. Our experienced counsel can guide you through the trademark application process to ensure you have the greatest likelihood of achieving registration. We are well-versed in the Amazon Brand Registry process and are ready to help you claim your place on the registry.

Amazon's Brand Registry: Why Trademarks Matter