Online Business

September 5, 2024

Amazon's Brand Registry: Why Trademarks Matter

Brand Protection in E-Commerce and Your Amazon Store

In the e-commerce space, especially on Amazon's hyper-competitive marketplace, the available options are limitless for the consumer. There are endless amounts of products available from anywhere at any time, which is why brand identity is critical to stand out.

Considering the tremendous amount of e-commerce companies and Amazon sellers, there is always the possibility of infringement. This is why it is important that the consumer knows exactly who they are purchasing from.

What is the Amazon Brand Registry?

The Amazon Brand Registry is a program that assists brand owners in protecting their intellectual property on Amazon. The most pertinent feature in this context is its Project Zero Program. Once infringement is proven, the program allows you to blacklist those infringing users.

The competitiveness of is why establishing a distinguished brand identity among legions of sellers is more crucial than ever. As an Amazon Brand Registry member, achieving standout brand recognition and brand awareness not only enriches the shopping experience but also fortifies your defense against patent infringements. This ensures that your brand can navigate the complexities of Amazon with confidence, preserving a strong reputation.

Joining the Amazon Brand Registry brings a wealth of benefits, crucial among them enhanced brand protection and heightened brand awareness among customers. Utilizing the tools Amazon provides, such as Brand Registry accounts and the Amazon Vine program, you can markedly advance your brand-building and make your customer journey more memorable -- with sound legal protection.

Why is Amazon's Brand Registry important?

A popular seller on Amazon is bound to attract infringing parties who seek to capitalize on that brand’s reputation and loyal customer base. The infringing party may produce subpar products and deliver poor customer service. This can result in financial loss and a damaged reputation for the true brand. A trademark registration, however, gives the Amazon seller recourse to take action against the infringing party.

Establishing a trusted brand that customers will return to is key, and the first step is to ensure that your brand identity is protected by a trademark registration. This will safeguard both your brand’s identity as well as your customers from infringing parties. Joining Amazon's Brand Registry gives you the ability to report those infringing listings to keep your brand safe, and your customers satisfied.

For active Amazon sellers, it's key to meticulously manage your brand identity with robust brand protections, especially through trademark registration. By engaging in the Brand Registry program and integrating with the available ecommerce software solutions to protect your reputation and monitor your IP, you empower your Amazon business amplifies brand presence and significantly refine the customer experience.

How do I create a Brand Registry Account?

To be listed on the registry, your brand must have an active, registered trademark through one of the following government trademark offices:

  • United States
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Australia
  • India
  • Japan
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • Turkey
  • Singapore
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sweden
  • Poland
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union
  • United Arab Emirates

Once you’ve obtained a trademark registration, you may apply for the registry.

To qualify for Brand Registry enrollment, your registered trademarks must be acknowledged by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or international equivalents. Approval unlocks improved brand visibility on Amazon product pages and a more effective reputation management strategy, thus potentially boosting sales for registered brands. Moreover, the program aids in product authentication and building customer trust, placing your brand in line with Amazon's top-class brand positioning.

How do I obtain a trademark registration?

Applying for an E-Commerce Trademark:

Obtaining a trademark begins with filing an application. Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in intellectual property and can assist you with the trademark application process from start to finish. We will guide you through the process of crafting a goods and services description and selecting appropriate evidence of use. Additionally, our seasoned attorneys are well equipped to advise you on overall IP strategy.

Click here to book a free strategy session with a member of our trademark team.

Can I join Amazon's Brand Registry if my application is pending?

There is a loophole that allows some sellers to apply to Amazon’s Brand Registry even if their trademark is not officially registered yet. Sellers in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and India are eligible to apply to the registry while their trademark is pending in the application/examination phase. This is especially advantageous considering the registration process is currently averaging 8 to 12 months for United States applicants.

If you are in one of the above mentioned countries, your brand is eligible to apply to the registry as soon as your trademark application is pending.

Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

Want to protect your brand and boost sales on and other Amazon Marketplaces? The Amazon Brand Registry empowers sellers with tools for brand protection, enhanced content, and powerful marketing opportunities.

By enrolling, you establish a Brand Registry account and gain access to tools that safeguard your brand identity. Combat counterfeit products, maintain an excellent Amazon reputation, and ensure that products customers find on Amazon product pages – including your own multi-page store – are authentic.

Amazon Brand Registry unlocks a range of benefits for Brand Owners, including:

  • Enhanced Brand Protection: Fight back against patent infringements and unauthorized resellers. Utilize the Amazon Authenticity program, safeguard your product listing, and build customer loyalty. Active Amazon sellers know that the Brand Registry helps ensure customers find authentic items, not fakes.
  • Boost Sales with Increased Visibility: Optimize your Amazon product listings with rich content and enhanced visuals. Attract new-to-brand customers with your own Brand Store, improve your brand positioning in Amazon Search results, and drive traffic to your online storefront.
  • Powerful Marketing Features: Access exclusive tools like Amazon Brand Analytics to run reports, understand shopping trends, and know your customers better. Leverage Display Ads, Amazon Attribution (to track off-Amazon ads), and Sponsored Brands Ads to reach more shoppers. The Brand Registry helps you take control of your marketing channels.
  • Dedicated Brand Registry Support: Get help from Amazon experts to navigate the platform, address any issues, and make the most of your Brand Registry benefits. They can also help you understand sales trends better.

Features of Amazon Brand Registry

The Amazon Brand Registry provides sellers with access to a powerful suite of tools and reports to manage brand identity and drive growth as a vendor:

  • Brand Registry Portal: Your central hub to access exclusive tools, report infringements, manage your brand registry data, and track performance across all country-based Amazon stores. It’s also where you’ll manage multiple brand registry accounts if you have them.
  • Amazon Brand Analytics: Gain insights into customer searches, get a deeper understanding of competitor products, and analyze your brand's key performance metrics. You'll get closer to knowing what customers are searching for before they make a purchase.
  • Reporting Tools: Monitor your product sales, track brand performance through the main Brand Dashboard, and receive valuable customer feedback. This all contributes to better reputation management.
  • Additional Features: Benefit from the Amazon Transparency Program to maintain your seller reputation. Use Product Serialization – assigning a unique code to each product – to protect against counterfeits. Leverage the Amazon Attribution console for more effective ad campaigns and targeting.

Common Challenges in the Brand Registry Process

Navigating the Amazon Brand Registry process can present challenges for a new seller. Here are some common hurdles and how to overcome them:

  • Trademark Issues: Amazon Brand Approval requires a full trademark certificate from a source like the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Understand their trademark registration requirements, get your utility patent or copyright from the United States Patent and Trademark office, and ensure your trademarks are correctly registered before you apply. A thorough, informed trademark search through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database can help you avoid trademark disputes before you even apply. While you can go it alone, the experience and nuance of an attorney can help you avoid pitfalls.
  • Application Rejections: Incomplete brand registry applications or trademark issues can lead to rejections. Thoroughly review Amazon policies and seek Brand Registry help from Amazon Support if needed.

Best Practices for Maintaining Brand Registry

To make the most of your Brand Registry membership:

  • Regularly Update Brand Information: Keep your Brand Page, product listings (including Amazon Product Detail Pages), and brand name information up-to-date and accurate. An attractive brand page will catch the eye of Amazon customers. Respond to Amazon reviews and customer feedback. This ensures a good shopping experience and strengthens your brand's presence.
  • Monitoring and Addressing Infringements: Use the tools provided by the Brand Registry to monitor your Amazon Store for unauthorized sellers and counterfeit products. Be proactive in protecting your intellectual property.
  • Engage with Amazon Support: Utilize the resources available through the Amazon Transparency program, the Amazon Vine program, and don't be afraid to contact Amazon Support with questions or to report infringements. They offer several brand registry benefits and can provide the ultimate guide to Amazon success.

As a vendor, manufacturer, or brand, by following these best practices, you can effectively increase brand awareness and protect your intellectual property, which includes trademarks, copyrights and brand names. This will lead to greater brand recognition while you enhance brand visibility and drive sales on Amazon and other marketplaces.

How Lloyd & Mousilli Can Assist with Brand Protection in E-Commerce

The Amazon Brand Registry enhances your brand presence. Amazon business owners like yourself can skillfully navigate marketing channels knowing your vital intellectual property has the foundation of Amazon safeguards.

Protecting your intellectual property is critical to maintaining your brand's identity. Our experienced counsel can guide you through the trademark application process to ensure you have the greatest likelihood of achieving registration. We are well-versed in the Amazon Brand Registry process and are ready to help you claim your place on the registry.

Amazon's Brand Registry: Why Trademarks Matter
September 2, 2024

Can California residents register an LLC for an online business in a state they don’t live in?

Prior to selecting the state of incorporation, entrepreneurs should take into account factors such as the size of their business, the market for their product or service, the jurisdiction, business licenses required, and future goals.

Startups and large corporations have traditionally preferred Delaware to register their LLC, since Delaware law provides businesses greater flexibility in their corporate structure and stock options. In recent years, Texas has emerged as an attractive alternative to California for startups, particularly those managing rental properties or planning to form a holding company.

So, if I live in California, can I start an LLC in another state?

Yes. Here are some of the different states California companies can incorporate in and the pros and cons of each:


  • Price: The cost of registering an LLC in Texas is more than three times the cost of registering an LLC in California. The Texas LLC Certificate of Formation has a one-time cost of $300 for filing through mail or $308 for online filing. Texas also requires the designation of a Registered Agent with a Texas address to receive legal documents for the LLC. California residents planning on registering an LLC in Texas should expect to pay about $125 per year for a Commercial Registered Agent.
  • Ease of Registration: Like most states, Texas allows online filing and filing through the mail.
  • Privacy: Texas does not maintain any public information on the LLC owners, except records of the LLC’s registered agent and registered office address.
  • Asset Protection: Texas is an exception to the traditional corporate veil rules, and instead follows the 'actual fraud rule.' Under this rule, owners or members of the LLC cannot be held liable for corporate obligations unless they used the LLC to commit actual fraud.
  • Business Licenses and Jurisdiction: When considering Texas, it is crucial to ensure that your business complies with local business licenses and jurisdictional regulations, especially if your company engages in sales or income-generating activities within the state.


  • Price: Between Texas, California, and Delaware, Delaware is the most expensive state to register an LLC. The costs of registering an LLC in Delaware often outweigh the benefits a smaller business can expect to receive. The initial one-time filing fee is $90 ($99 for a 24-hour turnaround). Like Texas, California residents can expect to pay up to an additional $100/year for a Commercial Registered Agent. Delaware also requires all Delaware LLCs, regardless of their principal place of business or size, to pay an additional $300/year for the Delaware Franchise Tax.
  • Ease of Registration: Like most states, Delaware allows online filing and filing through mail.
  • Privacy: Delaware allows anonymity and nominee officers.
  • Asset Protection: Delaware companies offer the same corporate veil as other states.
  • The high costs associated with registering and maintaining a Delaware LLC often make it a less-than-ideal choice for new entrepreneurs. If you are considering forming a holding company or dealing with public LLC information, Delaware might be suitable, but weigh this against the cost.


  • Price: The cost of filing articles of organization in California is $70. There is an additional $20 fee to file a Statement of Information, which needs to be filed every two years. California residents can appoint themselves as registered agents for the LLC instead of paying for Commercial Registered Agents.
  • Ease of Registration: Like most states, California allows online filing and filing through the mail.
  • Privacy: California allows anonymity and nominee officers.
  • Asset Protection: California companies offer the same corporate veil as other states.
  • Real Estate and Rental Properties: California is often considered a favorable location for LLCs involved in real estate or managing rental properties due to its established market and regulatory environment.
  • Business Licenses and Jurisdiction: Ensure your LLC complies with California’s specific business licenses and jurisdictional requirements, particularly if your company is engaged in extensive commercial activities within the state.

Will an LLC registered in Texas/Delaware still need a foreign qualification in California if most of the staff and customer meetings will be in California?

Any LLC registered in a state other than California is a foreign LLC and would need a foreign qualification in California to transact intrastate business in California.

California law classifies transacting intrastate business as the physical presence of company officers, employees, offices, or other facilities within California, or if the business plans to develop extensive commercial relations within the state over a long period of time. However, your business does not need to be registered in California if your only connection to California is hiring independent contractors located in California.

You may not have any option other than registering your LLC in California or registering it as a foreign LLC in California if your online business hopes to solicit customers in the state. Failure to register in California can bar businesses from bringing lawsuits in the state.

The inability to utilize California's court system can be particularly detrimental to online businesses with valuable intellectual property prone to infringement. If you wish to register as a foreign LLC in California, then you must provide the same information needed to create an LLC in your state of incorporation and pay all the fees required to register and maintain LLCs in California.

Unsure of where to go next? Lloyd & Mousilli provides startup legal advice and functions as your Registered Agent. Schedule a free strategy session to kick off the process. We help you navigate the new LLC registration process, regardless of your jurisdiction, and set up a solid legal framework for your startup. Read the case studies of numerous small business owners who had our help in finding the best fit entity structure for their company.

Can California residents register an LLC for an online business in a state they don’t live in?