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Delaware Post Incorporation and Checklist

2 minute read
Delaware Post Incorporation and Checklist
Lloyd & Mousilli's Delaware Post Incorporation service has everything you and your co-founders need to take the next step towards building a great company.

Our corporate and transactional practice helps you generate the necessary corporate and founder formation documents and provides you with a detailed guide for how to use them. (Read the process of incorporating in Delaware if you're not familiar with the process yet.)

Lloyd & Mousilli's Delaware Post Incorporation service is a popular choice for anyone who:

  • Has recently incorporated their company in Delaware; and
  • Is getting ready for accelerated growth or venture capital funding; and
  • Is looking to generate standard and customizable founder formation documents for up to five (5) founders.

With Lloyd & Mousilli's Delaware Post Incorporation service you will get:

  • Founder(s) Restricted Stock Purchase Agreements with optional and configurable vesting provisions (for up to 5 founders) – These are the initial documents by which the founders will purchase their initial ownership stakes in the company and may establish share vesting, transfer restrictions, and the company’s right to repurchase unvested shares.
  • Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement(s) – This form should be signed by every founder of the company at the outset of their engagement with the company. It sets forth the restrictions on use and disclosure of confidential information and establishes the company’s ownership of work product.
  • Stock Certificates – These will be issued to each stockholder once the formation process is complete to identify the number of shares they own and contains important legends, such as restrictions on resale and transfer, among other things.
  • Form 83(b) – This form is important for tax purposes and applies to any unvested founder shares.
  • Indemnification Agreement(s) – In this agreement, the company agrees to indemnify and advance expenses on behalf of a director or officer in the event that a claim arises against him or her relating to his or her services as a director or officer of the company.
  • Bylaws – The Bylaws set forth the procedural rules that govern the company, including procedures for meeting of the stockholders and voting.

Reviewed By

Feras Mousilli

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