Registered Agent

Jul 9, 2024

Does an LLC Protect My Business Name?

What is an LLC?

An LLC is a Limited Liability Company. It is a type of business structure that protects owners from being personally responsible for the company’s debts and liabilities. LLCs provide flexibility and certain benefits in regards to taxation. From an administrative perspective, they are not bound by certain requirements that are typical of corporations.

How do I form an LLC?

 To form an LLC, you must file a Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State. Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in corporate law and can assist you with this process. Additionally, we can prepare all necessary corporate documents to ensure your LLC is properly organized from its  inception. 

How do I protect the name of my LLC?

Your business name can be protected through a registered trademark. Trademarking your business name ensures that it is protected in connection with the goods and services you provide. Trademarking your name puts you in the best position to take legal action against infringers. 

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that distinguishes the source of goods of one party from another. By applying for a trademark in the relevant goods and services class, you are protecting your business name within your industry. In other words, another company offering the same goods and services under an identical business name would be committing trademark infringement. 

How do I trademark my LLC’s name?

Lloyd & Mousilli specializes in intellectual property and can assist you with the filing of your trademark application. We can help you determine which class of goods and services is most appropriate, advise on your overall trademark strategy, as well as preparation and filing procedures. 

How Lloyd & Mousilli can help:

You can begin the trademark registration process by scheduling a free consultation with a Lloyd & Mousilli team member. If you would like to fast-track the process, you can complete our trademark intake form to provide us with the information we need to get started. 

Does an LLC Protect My Business Name?
Jul 9, 2024

The Difference Between a Registered Agent and a Business Address

Registered Agent

What does a Registered Agent Do?

The Registered Agent is a business or individual that the company must designate to accept service of process documents, in case of a lawsuit, on behalf of the company. The Registered Agent acts as the liaison between the Company and the Secretary of State, which means they can receive official government notifications, including tax forms and compliance information, on behalf of the company.

Appointing and maintaining a Registered Agent is a state law requirement in all 50 states. The consequences for failure to update the Registered Agent vary depending on the state but can lead to additional fees due and in some instances, suspension of the company’s right to transact business.

Why is a Registered Agent Service Recommended?

As outlined above, your company will need to appoint a Registered Agent. In some states, a principal of the company may serve as the Registered Agent, if they physically reside in the state that the company is registered in. However, in most instances the better solution is to appoint a Registered Agent Service to handle this important administrative function for the business. In addition to being easier from a management standpoint, it also creates an additional layer of privacy by not disclosing physical addresses of those associated with the company in public records.

Business Address

What is a Business Address?

A business address is the place where the company primarily operates business from. In some instances, this is a home office of one of the principals of the company.

Why Do You Need a Business Address?

The Company needs to use this address for opening business bank accounts or merchant accounts, opening accounts with its suppliers and vendors, receiving statements, invoices, payments, and bills, filing for legal contracts, licenses, and permits and communicating with its customers.

As our world moves more and more online, many companies may believe they simply do not have a physical business address. However, there are several practical matters as listed above that necessitate designating a physical business address.

If you would like to consult with Lloyd & Mousilli regarding taking on your company as a client to help ensure all of these compliance matters are adhered to, you can do so here.

The Difference Between a Registered Agent and a Business Address